Thursday, January 9, 2014

A greener new year!

Happy New Year!!! With the holidays coming to a close, it's time to pack up decorations, put away the sweets and take down the tree...

It's a new year - make a resolution! (Studies show that if you just make ONE resolution, you are more likely to keep it.)

  • Not sure what to do with your holiday tree? Most cities offer curbside pickup. Or if you live in a coastal area, you may be able to help with sand dune restoration. My local tiger rescue also accepts trees to give the big cats something fun to play with! Learn more online:
  • Kick off a healthier 2014 and pledge to eat local, eat more veggies or grow your own. Start by shopping more local farmer's markets or go to
  • If you find yourself with some burned-out light strings, don't toss them, recycle them! Search Earth 911 for info:
  • Be sure to store your holiday decorations in containers with some padding to keep them from breaking. It's better to re-use than re-buy! 
  • Did you get new electronics this year? Maybe a tablet or laptop... Be sure to recycle or donate old ones! Check out for info on where to responsibly recycle your items.
  • Depending on where you live in NC, you may be able to place a call for curbside pick up of your old appliances or electronics or take it to a local recycling center for proper disposal. I have small electronics recycling here at NC State. There are also companies who recycle computers for free or at a low cost. Locally, GEEP in RTP manages recycling, and you can also find statewide requirements here: