Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Help us Celebrate World Environment Day

June 5th is World Environment Day, and in honor of the occasion, we’re excited to get involved by spreading knowledge to inspire involvement. World Environment Day is dedicated to encouraging awareness and action worldwide to protect our planet. The event this year is specifically dedicated to reducing plastic pollution, which proves to be a growing issue in our oceans across the globe. 

Single use plastic products are one of the largest culprits of our disposable consumer lifestyle, causing damage by polluting our oceans, harming animals, leaching toxins into our food - entering the food chain and ultimately the human body. While the effects are terrible, there are some simple precautions everyone can take to reduce the consumption of single use plastic products. While plastic pollution is the focus of this year’s observance, pollution of all types is a very real and pressing issue for our world.  Here are some ways to reduce your carbon footprint and hopefully help lessen the negative impacts of pollution this World Environment Day:
1.     Unplug - One way to make a positive impact on the environment is to turn off devices and be conscientious about how much power you are using. Think about all the energy sources you use each day: cars, lights, fans left running all the time, cell phones, computers. The list can go on forever. Help us conserve energy by making a conscious effort to power down all unused electronics for the day and put down your cell phone. This type of a “blackout day” is great to make ourselves aware of just how much energy we use, and to think of creative ways to avoid using power. In this day and age, we often forget there are things to do that don’t require technology. Take this World Environment Day to read, play cards, go for a walk, climb a tree and remember how nice it is to have conversations with our friends and families face to face. Once you see how refreshing a day like this can be, consider implementing a blackout day once a month or quarterly to further reduce your energy consumption.
2.     Teach a lesson on the importance of utilizing renewable energy. One of the most important aspects of environmental protection is sharing knowledge. Take it upon yourself to help educate others who aren’t aware of the changes they could make to help protect their planet. Whether you host a talk at your local community center, or find a school to work with on a lesson and project for children. Here at NC GreenPower, we are proud of our Solar Schools grant program which implements solar educational projects in schools throughout the state. The knowledge we can share with both teachers and students about renewable energy is valuable and exciting, as many people aren’t aware of the access to clean energy in our close proximity. Sign up to be a volunteer here!
3.     Utilize reusable bottles, grocery bags, straws, etc. One simple way to reduce your carbon footprint each and every day is to purchase reusable products. From coffee cups to grocery bags, there are products that can replace single use items and reduce your trash production. One rule of thumb to live by in this regard is “If you can’t reuse it, refuse it.” Start by refusing straws at restaurants and bringing your own bags to the grocery store. Any product that you could function without, say no to. Not only will utilizing reusable products help save the environment, it will save you money and keep you healthier.
4.     Organize a cleanup party. Get a community group together and set out to make an immediate impact by picking up trash in your area. Plan out areas that have the most buildup, and break out into smaller groups to cover more ground. Areas that tend to need the most love include highways, medians, parks, and bodies of water. Sign up to Adopt-a-Highway in North Carolina!

Help educate others, do an analysis on your immediate environmental needs and get to work! There is always cleanup that needs to be done, and what better day to start than World Environment Day? Make this the start of a month-long challenge to green up your world.