Friday, May 26, 2017

Earth Month 2017 – Educating, Learning and Volunteering with NC GreenPower

This year’s official national Earth Month campaign was all about environmental & climate literacy.
The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 helped jumpstart the modern environmental movement, inspiring people worldwide to demonstrate their commitment to a healthy and sustainable world. Earth Day is just one day, but there are opportunities to get involved all month long.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sustainable Fashion: Part 2 – Upcycle your clothes

After we introduced you to sustainable fashion last week and told you all about its benefits, we will give you some ideas on how you can make a difference in today’s blog post.

What can you do?

So knowing the negative impact of fast fashion this, how can you make an impact? This is where sustainable fashion comes into play.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sustainable Fashion: Part 1 - Why fashion needs to be sustainable

Sustainable fashion, once frowned upon by many consumers, is a growing trend taking the fashion industry by storm. It proves that “sustainable” and “fashionable” don't have to be mutually exclusive.